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META HUNTER positively affects the vitality and regeneration/wound healing processes of these cells

The holistic bioresonance method uses the electromagnetic waves it receives from the patient and alters the energy field of the organism. Thus, it can be used as a diagnostic and therapeutic method to improve well-being and the success in the treatment of various diseases. 
In this preclinical and experimental study we used connective tissue fibroblasts to investigate whether the program chain “pathogene Ai” of the META HUNTER has a positive impact on vitality and regeneration/wound healing process of these cells. Since both cell properties are directly related to each other, an established cell culture test system simulating the granulation stage of wound healing, which is characterized by an increased cell migration and proliferation, was used. 
The results show that treatment of cells with the META HUNTER resulted in a significant improvement of cell vitality by 38.0 ±14.5 % (mean value ± standard deviation; p ≤ 0.01; two-tailed Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test) when compared with untreated controls. Moreover, in the cell regeneration/wound healing test system, a cell migration distance of 300 ± 34 µm (mean value ± standard deviation) was measured for bioresonance-treated cells. For untreated cells a migration distance of only 166 ± 38 µm (mean value ± standard deviation) was examined. When calculating the relative values in direct relation, bioresonance treated cells improved wound closure by 81.1 ± 9.2 % (mean value ± standard deviation; p ≤ 0.01; two-tailed Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test) when compared with untreated cells. 
In summary, the META HUNTER has demonstrated its beneficial potential on the experimental cellular level. The results confirm previous findings of others on the human body after bioresonance intervention.
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