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How to treat Lyme disease with 18D-NLS

Lyme disease general treatment
Eliminate pathogens
  Like other spirochetes, Lyme disease also has the best effect on antibiotic treatment in the early course of the disease. The treatment plan is developed based on clinical control data and clinical experience. Since it is difficult to confirm that the bacteria have been cleared, and some symptoms often persist after treatment, it is not always easy to determine the endpoint of antibiotic treatment.
  1. Treatment of early Lyme disease
In the early stage of oral antibiotic treatment, EM usually disappears immediately, and the major sequelae (myocarditis, meningoencephalitis, recurrent arthritis, etc.) usually do not recur in the later stage. Therefore, immediate treatment is very important, although such patients may be easily relapsed.
   Medication: The selection and dosage of antibiotics are in accordance with the doctor's instructions. Amoxicillin and doxycycline are often used. If HGE is suspected, penicillin is invalid, and doxycycline should be the first choice.
Side effects: Approximately 10% of Lyme disease patients have a Jarisch-Herxheimer-like reaction (increased fever, redder rash, or more pain) within 24 hours of antibiotic treatment. No matter what medicine is used for treatment, about 30% to 50% of patients have headaches, muscle pains and fatigue, etc., which may recur briefly (a few hours to a few days), and fatigue can last for a longer period of time. It is still unclear why these symptoms occur, which may be caused by undegraded spirochetes rather than living spirochetes. Patients with disseminated syndromes (multiple skin damage, headache, fever, lymphadenopathy) and Bell-like palsy before antibiotic treatment have the greatest risk of delayed reaction disappearance.
The use of 18D-NLS equipment can enhance the bodys immunity before suffering from Lyme disease and make the body better. Colleagues who cooperate with drug therapy can enhance the therapeutic effect through Meta therapy.
   2. Treatment of late Lyme disease
Regardless of whether Lyme meningitis is accompanied by other neurological symptoms (cranial neuropathy or radiculopathy), treatment medication: intravenous injection of penicillin G, 20 million units per day, 6 divided injections for a total of 10 days, but in fact the course of treatment is often extended To 3 to 4 weeks.
   Headache and neck stiffness generally begin to relieve on the second day of treatment, and disappear within 7 to 10 days; loss of movement and radiculopathy usually take 7 to 8 weeks to completely disappear, but there is no need to extend the course of antibiotic treatment. Bell-like palsy alone can be treated orally, but these patients have a greater risk of developing disease after the residual disease is greater than that of early patients without nerve dissemination syndrome.
  Although there has not been a systematic study, this therapy is used for carditis, and it can quickly take effect in a few days. Even in the pre-antibiotic period, the cardiitis can generally recover, but the risk of Lyme disease syndrome after untreated cases is very high.
Medication and precautions: Prednisone 4060mg/d in divided doses. In the past, it seems to be able to accelerate the recovery of high heart block. However, during the application of antibiotics, the application of glucocorticoids must be cautious because it may hinder Elimination of pathogens. For those who are allergic to penicillin, it is reasonable to switch to doxycycline (100mg 2 times/d), but it has not been formally evaluated. If there is a second or third degree heart block, you should be hospitalized for heart monitoring and intravenous antibiotics. If you have a complete heart block, you may occasionally need to pace temporarily.
   A group of case studies in Germany have shown that penicillin and cefotaxime are equally effective in treating acute nervous system Lyme disease (meningitis or radiculopathy). Nine cases in Australia were considered to be very unusual enlarged cardiomyopathy caused by Lyme disease, and six cases appeared to have recovered from ceftriaxone treatment.
In clinical practice, ceftriaxone (2g per day for 14-21 days) has roughly replaced penicillin for the treatment of disseminated Lyme disease. Choosing this drug is a treatment that values ​​it once a day, which is more convenient than intravenous injection in an outpatient clinic, and the penetration of ceftriaxone into CSF ​​is stronger than penicillin. However, recent studies have shown that oral doxycycline for 3 weeks is also effective for acute disseminated lesions other than meningitis.
The 18D NLS Health Analyzer can not only increase the therapeutic effect, but also reduce the damage to the body caused by the drug during the process of drug treatment, and protect your health.
   3. Treatment of late Lyme disease
Antibiotics taken orally and injected are effective in treating Lyme arthritis, but any therapy is used, and there are records of treatment failure.
   Medication: Recommended doxycycline 100mg 2 times/d or amoxicillin 500mg 3 times/d, the course of treatment is 1 to 2 months.
   Most cases can be effective, but full recovery may take 3 months or more after the end of treatment; some patients develop neuropathy later. During treatment, the affected joints should be rested, and joint fluid should be punctured and aspirated like any joint infection. In cases that have not been effective after more than one course of antibiotic treatment, arthroscopic synovectomy may achieve long-term relief or even a radical cure. However, even without antibiotics and surgical treatment, persistent Lyme arthritis can disappear within a few years.
The best treatment for the more advanced neurological complications of Lyme disease is not yet known. The recommended treatment is ceftriaxone or penicillin intravenously for 28 days (Table 3). The incidence of recessive chronic encephalopathy and peripheral neuropathy is still controversial. If such lesions are suspected, neurological, neuropsychiatric, and electrophysiological tests should be used to make a careful diagnosis, and then severe or long-term antibiotic treatment should be arranged.
In the family, a 18D NLS device can not only protect yourself, but also protect the health of the family. This is a very useful and needed device.
This article only recommends the treatment plan, please follow the doctor's instructions for the specific treatment plan. thanks.

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