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Metatron Hunter 4025 Bioresonance Machine And Health Screening

Method of orientation screening diagnostics of functional disturbances in human body is carried out using hardware-software system Metatron Hunter 4025 Bioresonance Machine and lies in location of possible area of pathological process and its intensity (reliability 79.7%). Method of screening diagnostics is based on noninvasive use of electromagnetic signals (1,8 – 8,2 Hz) and biological feedback (BF) among operator, patient and hardware unit.
As a result an outline of BF is formed, initiating trigger receives a reaction of patient’s brain waves to an irritant and sends digital signal back to hardware unit. This technology allows saving time of research, including mass prophylactic examination, helps to determine personal program of precise diagnostics necessary for specification and verification of prior diagnosis, helps to estimate a dynamics of functional changes in human body.
NLS diagnostic enables the user to obtain full information about health conditions and early pathological symptoms (also tumour disease) otherwise impossible to find in their infancy by other diagnostic methods (USG, roentgen, computer-assisted tomography and others). Many experiments and experiences have confirmed precisely the connection between magnetic fields and biological systems outside and inside the cell. Screw magnetic fields feature in the transmission formation process and co-operation within biological systems.
The wonderful opportunity offered by NLS-analysis is Reprinter. The system provides a unique opportunity of recording the frequency fluctuations of any preparation and adding them to the many thousands already held in database. The system then searches for a remedy that has the closest spectral characteristics of the pathological process and selects the most efficient remedy.
Even in those rare cases when clinical symptomatic is very typical, the Metatron Hunter 4025 Bioresonance Machine allows seeing additional information about the amplitude of defect and judging about prognosis. In majority of cases it has principal significance for prompt prognosis and right treatment choosing.
First on the world market, Metatron Hunter 4025 presented the latest medical technology in the range of active homeostasis piloting. Our scientists have created a revolutionary means for the preparation of information programmes to correct unsettled homeostasis equations inside an organism and the neutralization of ecological and infective pathological elements, by releasing on the market new superactive programme for piloting homeostasis.
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