Meta Hunter NLS Bioresonance Machine

Item No.: Meta Hunter
Version: Latest
Language: English,French,Spanish,German,Italian,Polish,etc.
Warranty: 3 years
MOQ: 1 set
Payment Terms: T/T,Western Union,Paypal,MoneyGram
Description Details Video

How Does Bioresonance Biofeedback Work?

Each organ, tissue, and cell in our body has a distinct frequency which is made possible by the rotation of atoms in the cells. When instructions are sent to the body from the brain they use the spinal cord to send those instructions using nerves and other molecular aids. As long as the connection between the brain and the spine is intact, biofeedback systems can use the brain to listen in and pick up the information. Bio-electrical activity of brain neurons is amplified so signals which are practically undetectable by statistical fluctuations, can not only be detected but also isolated and decoded thanks to biofeedback systems.

Good biofeedback systems, like META HUNTER, can trace the changes in pathology and infections by observing the characteristics of these wavelengths and the changes in the tissues and cells of the body. This utilization of frequency analysis is based on this incredible discovery in natural science which allows us to analyze the magnetic vortex of any biological object. Biofeedback was designed to not only help lay people with pain but to enable people to identify the specific biological problem in order to address it with natural Biofeedback therapy.

Biofeedback scanning of organs and tissues is not all that modern biofeedback systems are designed to do. That same theory which was proven by natural scientists, applies to therapy. Biofeedback therapy is administered using brain neurons again. Frequencies which were detected by the system can be Reversed and sent back to balance out the issues and bring them back to health. INCREDIBLE! This is how biofeedback works and its available to everyone! Everyone who is open-minded enough to realize that additional information is good and as the vast subject of science continues to improve.

It is easy to turn away from something that sounds odd, too good to be true or simply scary! Unfortunately, many people do not give biofeedback a chance until they have tried everything else and spent all their money on various medical experiments and drugs. Still, it is not too late even for them. Biofeedback is patient, effective and most importantly, dedicated to helping people take back the control of their health and bodies. Devices made possible through natural science do not affect the body negatively, there are enough modalities in the word which do this already. Biofeedback systems are scarce because they mean big problems for medical business but a lifetime of preventative jewels to its users and practitioners.

The Meta Hunter is a kind of Pathomorphology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Phamacology, Organ preparation, Nutraceuticals and analysis system of clinical medical database. Bio-resonance or NLS-diagnostics aim at obtaining information about the state of your health using computer and special programs. The data about an objective state of body tissues, cells, chromosomes and even hormones are being transmitted in real-tie and instantly decoded in the form of specific diagnoses and recommendations.

Simply saying, it is an advanced Non-Invasive Diagnostic Device for physical examination & analysis system, using the light wave resonance to scan and detect the functional status of the Human body or to trace the gradually formed abnormal conditions in the tissue, cell, chromosome, DNA helix, molecule or entire organ, then provides treatment.

3D-Spiral Scaning

The main feature of Meta Hunter software is function called 'Three-dimensional Scanning' which allows to localize automatically a nidus where tumor appeared, heritable diseases, etc. and to find the reason of appearance at genome level, passing one after another histological cuts, cytological cuts, chromosome sets, separate chromosomes, and go deeper to fragments of DNA helix.

Alternative diagnostics

Evaluation of BAP at hands and feet
Auriculo diagnostics

Chakras Test

Treatment with Hunter

Bioresonance Biofeedback Therapy


Biofeedback technology can take care of pain not only without harm to our organs or body tissues but also improving them while getting rid of pain! The only negative about biofeedback technology is that it is so far removed from modern medicine, most people do not know of its existence and therefore, its benefits. How wonderful would it be to have a biofeedback system in your home where you could help your children, parents, friends, and neighbors with an injury, tooth pain, digestion, fertility and so many other common problems that people deal with on a daily basis. It is essential to so many of us and if not in this very moment then definitely some day in the future as we make our way through life.

Biofeedback Therapy utilizes the same methods as Biofeedback body scanning in that it uses the brain and central nervous system to apply the therapeutic frequencies to the person VIA Bio-resonance headset. Biophilia consists of a database which houses all frequencies of pathogens, microorganisms, and healthy tissue as well. When we give biofeedback therapy, we apply the appropriate frequencies to the organ and tissues for recover or destructive frequencies to the harmful microorganisms occupying vital organs. Besides for specific therapy for organs, pain or microorganisms; there are frequencies of therapeutic plants, stones and light frequencies which provide options for therapy and method.

Pain is often misunderstood and in many cases symptoms are completely unrelated to the area the pain is coming from. Most doctors rely on us, the patient, to tell them what is wrong and how long its been going on and where we think the problem is originating. The symptoms of pain we articulate are often used to place a diagnosis. Pain is addressed very differently with biofeedback technology, it is used as a clue and taken very seriously as a symptom but it also reminds us of the fact that everything about our body is connected. With therapy to address pain we must also listen and acknowledge that pain is not only our enemy and we must get rid of it as soon as possible, but that pain is a savior in its own way which we must respect.

Meta Hunter determines not only the type of disorder but also identifies the severity of the disorders. After the measurement, the Meta Hunter can treat the client with the function META Therapy, Phytotherapy, Stone Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy and Iris Therapy. 

The treatment is carried out on eight levels: the first on the molecule, and then the ultrastructure, DNA helix, chromosome, nucleus, cell, tissue, up to the entire organ, making it the very effective and successful. The user can observe the effectiveness directly on the screen. A comparative analysis shows the changes that take place before and after treatment.



90+ Testing of spectral etalons

Chakras :  SAHARARA
Chakras :  AJNA
Chakras :  VISUDDHA
Chakras :  ANAHATA
Chakras :  MANIPURA
Chakras :  MULADHARA


Meta Hunter Application areas

- Chronic-degenerative illnesses of all kinds, autoimmune diseases, adjunct therapy to tumors.
- Weak immune system, chronic infections.
- Acute and chronic pain and inflammations.
- Fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disorders, depressions, migraine, psychosomatic illnesses, allergies, eczema, neurodermatitis.
- Hormonal disturbances, menopausal difficulties, PMS.
- Old age illnesses.
- Pediatrics: growth problems, behavioral difficulties.
- Spinal symptoms: back pains, pains in joints, tensions, arthritis.
- Injuries, bone fractures.
- Sports medicine, preparation for competition.


Safe and use friendly

Who can benefit from hunter







Medical SPAS

Cosmetic Salons


Registered Nurses

Physician Assistants

Licensed Herbalists

Nurse Practitioners

Licensed Nutritionists

Massage Therapists

Medical Students and Faculty

Integrative Medicine/CAM Program Directors

Complementary Medicine

Wellness and Fitness Centers 

Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Alternative Medicine Practitioners

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Quick Details

Brand Name: META HUNTER Type: Bio-resonance diagnosis device Model No.: META HUNTER
Packing size: 37X26X14CM(L*W*H) Color: Silver G.W(KGS): 3.0KG
Origin: Wenzou China (Mainland) Warranty: 3 years OEM: Yes


Package Details

Terms of payment

1. PayPal      2. Western Union    3. T/T (Bank transfer)   4. MoneyGram   





May 20, 2022
Sunt interesata de prețul aparatului ,mulțumesc!
Viviane Teixeira
May 17, 2022
Olá. Quero saber se há representantes para venda deste produto Meta Hunter no Brasil e o contato. O programa vêm em portugues? Agradeço a atenção
Jenifer Bowles
May 13, 2022
I am interested in the classes for the use and treatment using the meta hunter. Can you both test and treat with the machine? Can you make treatment cards for patients with this?
Carine van reet
May 13, 2022
Bonjour , Je souhaiterais connaître vos produits de biorésonance et leurs prix. Les supports sont ils en langue française? Bien cordialement
Žiga Našič
May 13, 2022
I am interested in buying the machine and would like to know the price
Osváldo Pierrime
May 12, 2022
me interesa recivir informacion.y forma de pago
Susana Coelho
May 06, 2022
Boa tarde, Sou portuguesa e estou interessada no equipamento Meta Hunter Chakra Version. Gostaria de solicitar informação detalhada acerca desta máquina, como por exemplo: se esta tecnologia é a mais recente (último modelo?); qual o preço; como é feito o envio; se tem software em português; se também é vendido com algum manual de instruções em português; se existe algum tutorial online de fácil aprendizagem ou que tipo de formação podem disponibilizar e que tipo de profissionais em Portugal podem usá-lo e em que locais. Atenciosamente, Susana Coelho
Rosario cuastumal
May 03, 2022
Hola..nesecito saber el precio por fabor . Y si viene con un tutorial para saber como funciona .o como saber leer los resultados Muchas grasias.por su pronta respuesta Saludos desde ecuador
avrea šuntar erjavšek
Apr 30, 2022
Pozdravljeni! Zanima me kakšna je razlika uporabe metahunterja in biophilia intruderja, kdaj se koga uporablja in kateri je boljši pri diagnostiki bolezni in zdravljenju. Zanima me tudi cena za oba aparata, hval in lp
Rosario Cuastumal
Apr 27, 2022
Nesecito saber el precio en dolres . Y de donde me lo envian Estoy en ecuador
Eduardo Guia
Apr 25, 2022
Necesito saber el precio de la maquina de resonancia 3 en 1 , Ultimo modelo. asimismo saber las dimensiones del dispositivo, si tienen disponible el software en idioma español.
Apr 25, 2022
How much is your Meta Hunter Bioresonance Machine
manuel de Jesús Bisono
Apr 22, 2022
cuantos analisis se deriva de la maquina.
Ivan Kolev
Apr 14, 2022
Здравейте Интересувам се за цената включваща доставка до България и една подробна информация и ръководство за работа с този уред!
Judy C Smith
Apr 05, 2022
More info on pricing, please! Also where is it made and by which company? Thanks Judy
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