Using Metatron Hunter 4025 Scans in Modern Pancreatic Disease Diagnosis
NLS approach to modern pancreatic disease diagnosis using Metatron Hunter 4025 scanner. Based on analytical study data from more than 300 patients T.G. Kuznetsova et al. It was concluded that the NLS study achieved a response level of 92.6% and a specificity of 98.8% in pancreatic cancer diagnosis in 3D mode. Comparing the information levels of 3D NLS and CT showed that NLS-research had a response level of 89.7% and a specificity of 98.0% in diagnosing pancreatic head cancer, while CT had a response level of 85.7% and a specificity of 87.1%. Modern methods of NLS scanning - ultramicroscanning, spectral entropy analysis, 3D reconstruction of organs - allow the collection of additional information on tumor structure, extent of retropancreatic vessels and involvement of lymph nodes in pathological processes, which is useful for planning surgical intervention. NLS with hyperscan and SEA has an accuracy of 89 – 98% in detecting tumor invasion in pancreatic cancer.
Modern methods of NLS scanning - ultramicroscanning, spectral entropy analysis, 3D reconstruction of organs - allow the collection of additional information on tumor structure, extent of retropancreatic vessels and involvement of lymph nodes in pathological processes, which is useful for planning surgical intervention. NLS with hyperscan and SEA has an accuracy of 89 – 98% in detecting tumor invasion in pancreatic cancer.
Comparative analysis of plain NLS data and ultramicroscopic scans with SEA data demonstrated the undoubted advantages of the new technology in the representation of pancreatic structures. Using ultrascanning, we managed to determine the borders of tumor infiltration and visualize the solid and cystic components of the mass occupying the pancreatic parenchyma. We should emphasize the high informative value of new techniques in revealing cystic structures. Due to proper research on the composition of the liquid, this diagnosis becomes very easy and comfortable for the therapist. Another important advantage of the new NLS technique is the visualization of affected retropancreatic and intrapancreatic vessels. Scanning in NLS-ultramicroangiography mode can yield precise information on the microvascularization status of the pancreatic parenchyma. The application of 3D reconstruction can obtain accurate blood vessel spatial images, including blood vessel images in placeholders. In the application of SEA, the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and pseudotumor pancreatitis is very reliable. Application prospects of new NLS technology We involve simultaneous acquisition of multidimensional images of glandular parenchyma and blood vessels. The virtual program helps in transferring high-quality 3D pictures of any scale with the required look-ahead.
Therefore, the calculated Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS technology conceptually provides new diagnostic information about patients with pancreatic masses. The results achieved place the NLS method as the "gold standard" in the pancreas-seeking kidney as a competitor to CT.
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