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Treatment of varicose veins with terahertz wave therapy apparatus

There are many causes of varicose veins of the lower limbs, the most common of which is simple superficial varicose veins of the lower limbs. The main cause is insufficiency of the femoral saphenous vein valve. Another important cause is primary deep venous valve insufficiency (PDVI) of the lower extremities, which is often combined with great saphenous vein valve insufficiency and often exhibits tortuous dilation of superficial veins. In addition, post-deep vein thrombosis syndrome of the lower limbs, due to poor deep venous return, causes compensatory tortuous dilation of the superficial veins; lower limb arteriovenous fistulas and venous malformations and osteohypertrophy syndrome may also manifest as superficial varicose veins of the lower limbs; Blockage of venous return, such as Budd-Chiari syndrome, can also lead to varicose veins in the lower limbs.
Clinical manifestations:
1. The surface blood vessels are varicose like earthworms, obviously protruding from the skin, and the varicose veins are in the shape of masses or nodules;
2. Feeling of soreness and swelling in the legs, pigmentation, desquamation, and itching of the skin, and edema of the ankles;
3. There are strange sensations in the limbs, such as pinpricks, itching, numbness, and burning;
4. The epidermal temperature rises, causing pain and tenderness;
5. Local gangrene and ulcers.
If it is a simple superficial varicose vein of the lower limbs, the clinical symptoms are generally mild and the progress is slow. It usually manifests as a simple varicose vein. In a few cases, it may have thrombophlebitis, venous ulcer, etc.; if it is a deep vein valve insufficiency, or even a deep vein If the reflux is blocked, the condition will be relatively severe. The calf will feel heavy when standing, easy to fatigue, and even swelling and bursting pain in the lower limbs. In the later stage, nutritional changes of the skin will occur, such as desquamation, atrophy, pigmentation, and the formation of eczema ulcers. .
non-surgical treatment
1. Drug therapy: Drug therapy plays an important role in the conservative treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs. It can improve venous function, relieve clinical symptoms such as heaviness of the lower limbs, soreness and discomfort, spasm, pain, changes in skin nutrition and edema, and promote ulcer healing. . Therapeutic drugs can be divided into intravenous active drugs and other drugs.
Commonly used intravenous drugs include three major categories:
(1) Flavonoids. The main ingredient is diosmin. At present, the most widely used drug in China is Getai, which has anti-inflammatory effects and can inhibit the interaction between white blood cells and vascular endothelial cells. It has received high-level recommendations in many domestic and foreign guidelines and expert consensus.
(2) Seven leaves saponins. The main ingredients are aescin and horse chestnut seed extract, which can reduce capillary permeability
properties, reduce exudation and edema; increase venous tension, activate venous valves, promote venous blood return; scavenge oxygen free radicals and other effects.
(3) Coumarins. Derived from the plant extract of Mignonette, it can reduce capillary permeability, promote blood circulation and increase blood circulation.
flow, promote lymphatic reflux, and effectively reduce edema, especially for inflammatory swelling and pain.
Drug therapy can effectively reduce patients' clinical symptoms and signs. Preoperative use can create conditions for surgery, delay disease progression, and reduce the clinical stage of the disease. Use during and after surgery can prevent the occurrence of early complications and consolidate the efficacy of surgery.
2. Pressure therapy: Pressure therapy can be used to treat varicose veins and complications. It is a necessary measure after surgery, especially after minimally invasive surgery. It is suitable for all stages of varicose veins.
Surgical treatment
Currently, surgery is the most effective way to treat varicose veins in the lower limbs. Before surgery, the patient should be comprehensively evaluated to determine the severity, location, and characteristics of the lesion, and thereby determine whether there are indications for surgery and which individualized surgical method to choose.
1. Obese people should lose weight. Although obesity is not the direct cause, excessive pressure on the legs may cause poor venous return in the legs and worsen venous dilation.
2. People who are engaged in heavy physical labor and standing work for a long time are best to wear elastic stockings to keep the superficial veins in a compressed state.
3. Women should pay special attention to their legs during special periods such as menstruation and pregnancy, get more rest, and massage their legs regularly to help blood circulation and avoid varicose veins.
Now, we can also use terahertz wave therapy apparatus to treat varicose veins, which is not only simple and harmless, but also gets good feedback.
The terahertz wave therapy apparatus can not only treat varicose veins, but can also relieve other pains, etc. You can learn more.
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