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Treat dysmenorrhea with Pelvic Cavity Health Care Device

Menstrual dysmenorrhea can be treated through daily care, diet or medication. There is no best method.
1. Daily care:
Keep warm during menstruation to avoid colds and menstrual colds. Swimming, bathing, and cold bathing are also prohibited during menstruation, and the vagina should be kept clean and hygienic. You can also practice yoga, bending, relaxation and other movements to relax muscles and nerves, strengthen your physique and improve menstrual pain symptoms.
You can also use "Pelvic Cavity Health Care Devic" together. The Huiyin point is an important point on the Ren channel of the human body. It is located in the middle depression between the anus and genitals of the human body. The Huiyin point is very important for health care and is an important point for longevity of the human body. The perineum, as its name suggests, is the place where the yin meridians and Qi meet. This point is in a straight line with the Baihui point on the top of the human body, and is the channel for human essence. Baihui connects the yang with the weather, and the perineum connects the yin with the earth qi. The two are interdependent, similar and corresponding, and govern the normal operation of the true qi on the Ren and Du meridians, maintaining the balance of yin and yang qi and blood in the body, which is the key to human life activities. parts. Regular massage of the Huiyin point can clear the veins in the body, promote the exchange and circulation of yin and yang energy, and has a unique effect on regulating physiological and reproductive functions.
2. Diet conditioning:
If symptoms of dysmenorrhea occur during menstruation, you should pay attention to the diet and prohibit cold drinks and cold, spicy and irritating foods. You can choose to drink more hot water. For example, drinking a cup of hot water with a spoonful of honey before going to bed every night can relieve dysmenorrhea symptoms.
You can also eat more warm foods, such as functional brown sugar. Brown sugar is warm in nature, sweet in taste, and enters the spleen. It has the functions of replenishing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach, relieving pain, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis.
3. Take medicine:
Patients can also take motherwort capsules for treatment under the guidance of a doctor. The main component of motherwort capsules is motherwort, which has the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, regulating menstruation and relieving pain. Taking an appropriate amount can not only relieve patients' dysmenorrhea symptoms, but also improve non-specific immune function.
During the treatment of dysmenorrhea, patients should pay attention to avoid eating spicy, cold and other irritating foods, such as peppers, garlic, ice cream, etc., to prevent the irritating ingredients in the food from aggravating the patient's dysmenorrhea symptoms. The above drugs must be used under the guidance of a doctor.
"Pelvic Cavity Health Care Devic" is a new generation of health care products developed by our company's scientific research team after years of research and extensive clinical practice. This product combines smokeless moxibustion, far-infrared rays, high-intensity red light, permanent magnetic field, and pulsed magnetic field to act on the perineum acupoint and pelvic cavity. It can open up the Ren and Du meridians, dredge the meridians, and integrate the yin and yang qi of the human body, thereby strengthening the body. , prolong life!
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