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The information value of Meta Hunter

When interpreting MRI images, the most important metric is the MR signal intensity from the tumor. In the case of various soft tissue tumors, we can see typical renal lesions and foci of MR signal changes on MRI images, and based on their intensity and homogeneity (or heterogeneity) as well as the tumor's localization, form, The structure and contours and condition of the surrounding tissue allow us to determine whether the pathological features are malignant or benign, their staging, and in some cases - roughly determine the histological affiliation of the tumor.

One of the main criteria for differential diagnosis of tumors is the assessment of tumor blood supply. MRI is a highly informative method for detecting tumor vascularization and neovascularization characteristics and types. Studies on vascularization of soft tissue tumors in most cases have found that new blood vessels are mainly located in the peripheral area of the tumor or so-called composite vascularization (there are blood vessels in both the peripheral area and the tumor center). Neovascularization differs from normal vessels by uneven diameter, sinusoidal structure, branches, and the presence of large arteriovenous shunts.

So the data obtained allow us to conclude that both MRI and NLS studies with the Meta Hunter scanner have a high informative value when examining patients with soft tissue tumors. However, while NLS studies are effective diagnostic screening methods, MRI data are very characteristic for this type of tumors and show their morphogenesis. Applied examinations combining NLS, MRI and MRA can solve many specific problems in the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors: identification of tumor location, form, size, structure, volume and local spread, assessment of signs of malignancy, tumor vascularization and its relationship to large blood vessels and bone structure, which are the main criteria for selecting treatment strategies. Meta Hunter's performance is increasingly important.
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