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The Basis Of Ion Detox Foot Spa

The human body is constituted by the cells. And the cell is made up of cell membranes, cytoplasm and nucleolus. The cell membrane is the important channel for the substance exchange inside and outside the cell. It keeps the stability of inside and outside environment. When the membranes electricity potential is from -70~-90MV, the cell can work well in the exchange and remove the toxin. With the decay of the body function, there is a lot of toxin accumulated. The cell damage, membranes electricity potential change, the permeability of membranes declining and the detoxification ability declining, all these make the toxin can’t be removed well from the cell. The toxin accumulation lowers the immune and makes premature senility and sub-health etc.

The ion cleanse can generate the negative electricity potential field. Thanks to the conductive ability of the human body, the body can have the same equipotential field as the ion water after the feet are put in the ion water with negative ion. It can enhance the transportation function of the sodium-potassium pump, keep the right membrane electricity potential, recover the energy, enhance the detoxification. Under the role of the negative electricity potential field, the toxin in the cells is removed into the water through 20 thousands of pores and the water color will change because the toxin reacts with all kinds of ions in the water – “visible detoxification”. Its effect can be tested and compared by blood test, urine test etc other regular tests before and after the feet bathing—“The effect can be tested.”

The ion cleanse is developed on the basis of physics, physiology, electrochemistry, dialysis, iontophoresis and toxicology. It can activate the cells, improve the activity of the cells, repair the cells by using feet channel therapy, the cell therapy and targeted natural detoxification therapy. The whole detoxification is safe, cosy, fast, effective and it can be seen, tested and smelled.

Now we can do ion cleanse by ion detox foot spa, that can take us a relaxing life.
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