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The Bach Flower Remedies In Meta Hunter

We can find the bach flower remedies in Meta Hunter.

The disease is not a punishment, but it is only an adjustment and it points out our mistakes and prevents us from more serious mistakes in the future and thus bringing to ourselves even greater damage. It helps us to get back to the way of Truth and Light which we had lost. 

The human himself has universal healing mechanisms inside him. He has his own internal potential, sufficient to recover.  

After harmony of human psychoemotional condition is achieved, physical organism will get better eventually. But if one will strive to heal physical body only, without helping to change man’s behavior and get rid of his negative emotions and thoughts, this man’s condition will only get worse. 

But there are emotions which are the virtues of a man – these are courage, imperturbability, interest, care, composure and love. They should be cultivated to keep body in harmony with its soul.  

Bach flower remedies help to restore connection between body and soul. Bach developed 38 flower remedies for seven main mental conditions of a man. Etalons of these remedies were introduced into software. He used flowers of particular types of herbs endowed, according to him, with divine healing powers. Using Bach flower remedies one may cure human psychosomatic diseases. To link souls of these herbs with human soul they should be chosen according to resonance characteristics.  

Main purpose of these remedies is harmonization of man’s intellectual and emotional spheres of activity, because it these spheres are imbalanced, various diseases may appear or get worse. Fine frequencies of various essences’ vibration are selected to treat specific disease or energy imbalance.  

Bach flower remedies are vibrational medications, i.e. charged with fine energy with special properly chosen frequency characteristics. Emotions are considered to be the reason of diseases appearance. Bach flower remedies is a simple and natural way to return people to harmonic balance.  

Dr. Bach foresaw absolutely right that emotional features and temper traits may be a reason of human susceptibility to one or another disease, especially such factors as fear and negative emotions. It can be seen at diagram of psychoemotional condition, because disassociation of one or another frequency which is related to a specific system of an organism indicates possibility of this system disorder.  

Essences of various flowers influence to emotional precursors of diseases. Correcting their own emotional condition people may increase their physical and mental resistance to diseases and thus to recover from physical ailments. 

The nature itself put means of prevention and treatment of diseases into illuminated with divine light herbs, plants and trees. When treating with these remedies nature of a disease is not important. Consciousness is the finest and the most sensitive components of an organism; it detects appearance and development of a disease much more accurately then body itself, so it is the consciousness of a man we have to study to chose medications properly. 

True reason of our diseases is hidden in our own personality. 

Especially it is true for the fear – it suppresses consciousness, causes disharmony in our physical and magnetic bodies and opens the gates to infection.
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