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Some Details You Should Know About The Meta Hunter

The system functions according to the principle of the amplification of the initiating signal with the disintegration of the meta-stable systems involved. In terms of physics Meta Hunter is a system of electronic oscillators resonating at the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation whose energy is equivalent to the energy breaking down the dominant bonds that maintain the structural organization of researched object.

Meta Hunter enables the production of a preset bioelectrical activity of brain neurons; with this activity as a background it becomes possible to selectively amplify signals hardly detectable against the statistical fluctuations (resonance phenomenon).

The information on a particular temporary condition of a biological sub is read contactlessly with the help of a digital trigger gauge, which was developed based on modern information technologies and microcircuitry, catching tiny fluctuations of the signals, filtered from the average statistical noise characteristics of the torsion fields, and converted into a digital sequence processed with the help of the microprocessor for transmitting it via interface cable to a PC.

The system is designed for simultaneous diagnostics of one patient. Registration of a patient and registering of anamnestic data last not more than 10 minutes. Diagnostics cycle duration is 30 minutes to 2.5 hours. Duration of uninterruptible functioning of the system is 12 hours.

Operation modes of equipment, adjusting and control are provided by computer in accordance with installed software. 

Information about diagnostics results of each specific patient is shown of display of a computer, stored in separate file on computer hard drive and can be saved on individual diskette.

System of telemetric data processing for non-linear analysis "Meta Hunter" was used for express – diagnostics of organism condition at GPP by registration of changes in organs, histological and cytological structures, for carrying out of homeostasis condition dynamic control, forecasting of treatment stages and possible complications.

The system is designed for operation only with computing system on the basis of IBM-compatible computers and with software developed by manufacturing enterprise, and it provides diagnostics séance according to algorithm of software.

There is a possibility of data entry according to provisional diagnosis and complaints of patients. The system gives a unique possibility to restore normal vital activity of organs by means of informational therapy method (META-therapy) and to effectively adjust incorrect balance of an organism by means of informational preparations, recorder to a matrix. Informational preparations (metazodes) are specific combinations of coherent frequencies, found by computer, and used to produce ready medicinal forms with directional effect. At the same time contra-indications for use together with traditional medicinal preparations are absent. 

Using of the system in clinics and departments of healing and prophylactic institutions will help to decrease significantly time of patient integrated diagnostics as a system in a whole, at a time evaluate predisposition, presence and interaction of different pathological changes in tissues, organs and systems of checked up patients.
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