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Resonance Therapy, A Healing Revolution

Now there are some such bioresonance instruments all over the world, similar to BIOPHILIA TRACKER. It can actually measure the bioresonance of body organs, various drugs, and treat patients in the form of bioresonance.
The machine is able to detect small changes in various body organs, and the results can be compared with ultrasound and CT scanning machines. So, the machine could be used to pre-screen people before we traditionally pinpoint the exact location of the pathology for further examination.
A patient has severe abdominal pain. Most likely gallstone colic. He was in excruciating pain and had tried strong painkillers, including morphine injections, to bear the pain. But he didn't get any better. When he came to inspect the machine, he could barely sit down. The machine shows the exact location of inflammation in the bile duct where the stone may be stuck. Then, with the help of the same machine, we gave him bioresonance therapy. When he feels the pain go away, the patient calms down and falls asleep. Later, ultrasonography also confirmed the diagnosis of gallstones, but could not show the exact location. The next day, a CT scan confirmed the exact location where the BIOPHILIA TRACKER had been located.
Another case involved a young woman who was unable to conceive after two years of marriage. Ultrasonography has detected uterine fibroids. The machine also identified fibroids in the uterus. It also brings up possible causes of the issue and other systems that were also affected in her case. Basically, it's like treating the whole system the same. All body systems are interconnected and interconnected. A person may have skin problems due to digestive problems, but also the neuroendocrine system or some other system that affects the skin. Or sometimes the problem is with the organ itself.
The final conclusion about this method of diagnosis and treatment is... there is a place where bioenergetic disturbances to anything physical can be detected. Once a disturbance is detected and diagnosed, it is possible to actually find a solution in the form of bioenergetic therapy and bioresonance therapy. This opens up a whole new world of thinking about the range of subtle energy or bioenergetic treatments and therapies when the patient gets better. This can be explained by quantum physics. This means that existence has two components. Matter and energy exist at the same time. When we see something as physical, it is also a living being. Modern medicine has failed to recognize this part of science. When it learns to include its energetic counterpart in anything physical, its range of perception expands and medicine, healing, diagnosis and disease, healing find new meaning. Bioresonance therapy and diagnostics are the beginning of a new therapeutic revolution.  
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