Reprinter of Bioresonance NLS allows to record the information about an organ or an area with several bad nidus points and all the etalons of the catalogue (medications, microorganisms and pathologies etc..) on various carriers (Water, Alcohol, Sugar, Paraffin).
The function ‘Reprint’ also works along the principles of bio-resonance. A ‘Reprint’ is a ‘copy’ composed of frequencies at disposal in the database, frequencies specific to the organ treated. It is possible to charge a liquid with this Reprint of frequency. The client should absorb these frequencies during several weeks. When the liquid is charged, the frequencies are inverted (do not invert medication frequencies and in general all the positive things), thus the opposite of the ‘incorrect’ measurements. It is thus possible to bring the functions of the organs towards frequencies approaching the structural frequencies (bringing the curves closer together). Microorganisms, diseases, pathologies and in general all negative things can be placed inversed in a medium. To do this a glass has to be put into the resonance chamber. Then select the type of carrier medium (water, alcohol, sugar, paraffin) and click START Preparation. The liquids suited to contain information are water, alcohol and paraffin, because they can retain and keep the frequencies during a long period.
It is thus possible to arrive at an individual ‘liquid solution’ exclusive to this person. It is possible to charge up to five different frequencies into the same bottle. The medication will find the organ appropriate to its resonance, which can be disturbed if there are more than five medications in use. The ideal would be to use a container for each organ, charged with only one frequency. Thus, if we want to treat the heart, the liver and the kidneys, the patient can have three different containers to be used individually at the time when the organ is most active according to the Chinese energetic hour clock. However, such a way to take the medicines is not always practical at the right moment, and it is then simpler and more polyvalent to charge all the frequencies into one bottle.
A reprint of a single medicine/organ on one medium can be repeated up to 5 times. Remember that the more amplified the voltage of the recorded preparations, the fewer preparations that can be recorded on one medium.
Attention! All materials (sugar, medicines, paraffin, etc) should be put into Reprinter papered or poured in a glass flask. Otherwise molecules of these substances may deposite in Resonance Chamber which can influence on the future results and worsen the effectiveness of medicine. Please wipe the Resonance Chamber with a dry rag only and avoid water in it.
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