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rapid detection of body

In this fast-paced life, people tend to ignore the potential dangers of the body in order to pursue more efficient work efficiency, especially in the current severe situation of the epidemic virus, a Biophilia Intruder Price is ready to detect the body and quickly scan the virus at any time is very important.
Here are a few ways to feel in your body right at home.

1. Can you sleep till dawn?

We all know that evening is the time to recharge your energy and repair your body. So if a person can sleep until dawn without waking up in the middle of the night, of course, if he drinks a lot of water at night and wants to get up to go to the toilet, it is also possible. But if you can fall asleep quickly after going to the toilet, and if you don’t dream of some scary nightmares during sleep, which will affect the spirit of the next day, and you wake up the next day with high spirits and hope for the future, then your body should be healthy.

2. Is your appetite good?

If you eat anything in the three meals, you will feel relish, and the time of hunger is exactly the time of meal. Then it proves that the body is great. Of course, the appetite mentioned here does not mean that we overeat, but that we eat an appropriate amount of food at a normal time, which proves that the body is in a normal working state.

3. Do you go to the toilet first thing in the morning?

Because around six or seven o’clock in the morning is the time for the body to defecate naturally. If you have the habit of getting up to go to the toilet in the morning, then don’t worry, it proves that there is nothing wrong with the body.

4. The frequency of urination can reach three to seven times a day

Some traditional Chinese medicine believes that people should urinate three to seven times a day, and the color should be light yellow every time they urinate, and they don’t feel any burning pain or discomfort when they relieve their hands, then it means that the body There is no problem.

5. The palms and feet need to be warm all year round.

Some people may have cold hands naturally, but they should pay attention at this time. Maybe this phenomenon is not natural, but a physical problem. If we put our hands on our foreheads and feel our heads are icy cold, it proves that the temperature of our palms is normal at this time, and our bodies are also normal.

6. The sexual response of men and women in the morning

This is a very normal physiological phenomenon. The morning erection of men and the sensitive breasts of women in the morning are both a healthy physiological feature, which means that the body is in a normal state.

7. Nails have healthy crescents

The crescent on the root of the finger can accurately tell us the condition of the body. When the hands are stretched out, there must be at least eight crescents, and every month, it should be about 2mm. This is normal.

8. The root of the tooth is fully wrapped by the gums.

Always check your teeth. Is it well covered by the gums, and is the color of the gums very red? If there is some exposure at the root of the tooth, it proves that there may be a problem with the kidney.

9. A normal level of thirst

There will always be some situations in a day when I feel very thirsty, but this is not the kind of class that really wants to drink water, but the kind of thirst that feels like I want to drink water but is still acceptable. This kind of situation is considered normal.

10. Sweat Naturally

As the name implies, when you eat something very spicy or you are in a very hot environment, you will naturally produce sweat, which is called natural sweating. Instead of sweating when you should sweat and not sweating when you shouldn't.

But if some of the above conditions do not match your own situation, you should pay attention to it. It may be that there is a problem with your body. At this time, we need to relax properly and give our body a period of rest. Of course, there is also the most comprehensive detection method, which is to use Biophilia Intruder Price to quickly detect the physical state, which is very comprehensive!
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