Questionnaire for Metatron Hunter Bioresonance machine Therapy
A questionnaire with 75 questions was used to record the data and was distributed to all patients. The questionnaire consisted of 75 questions to be answered by all patients who used the bioresonance method and completed or stopped treatment with the Metatron Hunterdevice. The questionnaires for children under the age of 12 were completed by their parents. The questionnaire included questions about the patient's demographic characteristics, their symptoms, and the aetiology causing them. Fourteen (14) questions focused on demographic characteristics, such as gender, age, education, profession, smoking status, alcohol-coffee consumption, the use of other treatment methods in the past, and the reasons for choosing bioresonance. Ten (10) questions related to patients’ medical history, including symptom frequency, the time of the onset of symptoms, if they had undergone any prior surgical operation, if they used any medication for relieving symptoms, their family medical history, etc. Twenty two (22) questions assessed some of the patients’ symptoms, such as stuffy nose, itching, sneezing, and runny nose among others. In addition, nineteen (19) questions assessed whether certain aggravating factors affect the patients’ symptoms, such as alcohol, perfumes, air-conditioning, seasonal changes, etc. More specifically, a scale 0-3 was used for allergic rhinitis relating to patients’ type of symptoms, TNSS (Total Nasal Symptom Score) [27]. The last page of the questionnaire included certain questions examining whether patients had any symptoms after the completion of the bioresonance therapy after a period of three (3) months, six (6) months and one year. Thus it was possible to monitor patients’ symptoms and specify whether their symptoms had improved or not. Furthermore, the patients were asked if they continued medical treatment along with bioresonance, the number of aggravating factors that were positive, and the number of treatments required, while one question was for those patients who did not complete the treatment, so that to specify the reason of discontinuation.
2.3. Participants At total 360 patients were selected for Metatron 4025 Hunter bioresonance treatments using simple random sampling. As a criterion for inclusion in the survey was the visit to the bioresonance centers and the initiation of some treatment with bioresonance method to deal with their health problems. Patients who did not correctly complete the questionnaire and did not continue treatment were not included in the survey. Patients completed anonymously the questionnaires given to them and signed their consent to use the information for research purposes only in accordance with medical confidentiality. Furthermore, the treatment results were rechecked over a period of 3, 6 and 12 months with the completion of 10 additional questions by the therapist. Following a careful check, 311 correctly completed questionnaires were included in the study. The sample of the study included both male (120 in total - 38.58%) and female (191 in total – 61.42%) patients, aged from 2 to 76 years old; their distribution based on age.
2.4. Data Analysis
Data analysis was performed in the Statistical Package for Social Science version 24. For the purpose of the study, descriptors were used to evaluate the symptoms of patients, the causes that caused the symptoms and the causes that may have stopped treatment. The main outcome of the survey was the evaluation of the symptoms by the therapist. The effectiveness of Biophilia Intruder bioresonance was analysed using non parametric Friedman test. Moreover, post-hoc analysis using Wilcoxon test was used in order to research the exact times of a statistically significant differenciation. The significance level of the survey defined to be α=0.05 (95% confidence interval).
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