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Nonlinear Analysis And Meta Hunter Scanner

Meta Hunter scanner provided for telemetric data processing for nonlinear analysis.

This device is provided for telemetric data processing for nonlinear analysis; it is IBM PC compatible and is designed to study human reactions to different kinds of information impacts. Meta hunter scanner allows to coordinate the process of measurement of human reactions with the process of influence on a human being and performs the following operations: 

1) it measures J(0) which reflects the change in the characterizing parameter, the entropy potential with reference to the initial value; 

2) it converts the continuous J(0) signal of specific frequency bands into a histogram (a series of numerical values of scanned frequencies with ordinal numbers z from 1.8 to 8.2 Hz); 

3) it transmits the y current values to the PC and displays the plot y (z) on the monitor screen just at the time when influence is exerted on the examinee; 

4) it stores y values in its memory block, if on completion of the measurements the histogram examination appears to be more convenient; 

5) it issues instructions harmonized  with the z scale that are necessary to normalize the influence exerted on the examinee in the course of investigation; 

6) it transfers the y values from the memory block to the PC memory after the measurements are completed and stores them in the memory block until recording of further data measurements is started. 

The device is designed to record psychophysical changes in the body and allows to: 
- get a qualitative assessment of the functional state of the body in terms of topical analysis; 
- check the efficiency and effects of various methods of impact; 
- analyze the dynamics of change in the functional state of the body over time; 
- detect the primary nature of the foci of functional disturbance;
- access the pattern of changes using expert systems; 
- access the main parameters of homeostasis.

The device is based on the principle of amplification of the initiating signal with disintegration of the metastable structures (an increase in the entropy potential of the detector). 

Magnetic moments of molecular currents in admixture centers of cortex nerve cells, affected by an external electromagnetic field, lose their original orientation which is followed by misalignment of spin structures of delocalized electrons, which causes therein unstable metastable conditions whose disintegration acts as an initiating signal. 

The device is a system of electronic oscillators resonating at electromagnetic radiation wavelengths with their energy being adequate to the energy breaking the dominant bonds that maintain the structural organization of the object. 

The device allows to produce a bioelectrical activity of the patient's brain neurons which enables them to selectively amplify signals hardly detectible against static fluctuations. 

Information about  temporary condition of a specific organ is collected contactlessly  by means of a digital trigger sensor developed with the help of up-todate information technologies and micro circuitry. The sensor detects faintly detectible signal fluctuations, picked out from average statistical noise field characteristics and converted into a digital sequence that is processed by means of a microprocessor to be transmitted to the computer through an interface cable.
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