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META-therapy Is The Non-invasive Method Of Metatron Hunter

META-therapy represents influence by a combination of various modulated electromagnetic fluctuations, radiated by "Metatron Hunter" system, to an organism. Theoretical and experimental works that made possible creation of "Metatron Hunter" system – non-linear quantum generator, were started in XIX century by genius of electronics Nicola Tesla, and continued by J. Lakhovskiy, R. Rife. Research according to acupuncture point was developed by Professor R. Folle in Germany, in 1950.

Unlike Folle’s electro-puncture diagnostic method in which the energy potentials of organs and systems are measured through biologically active points (BAP) which show the organ condition indirectly (often with considerable error), the NLS method of analysis developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics makes an evaluation of the organ condition directly due to the resonance amplification of the radiation signal of the organ under investigation using a non-invasive trigger sensor. "Metatron" system was developed to fulfill mentioned possibilities on the basis of low-frequency quantum generators.

Methodology of informational effect using electromagnetic radiation has not much in common with traditional diagnostics (V.S. Ulaschick, 1994; V.M. Dilman, 1982). The difference is in ideology of methods: traditional medicine still practicing only theory of nervism and neuroreflectory-endocrinic-humoral mechanism of external physical factors interaction with bio-object, not affecting problems of informational metabolism in physical communication channels of a human.

To understand mechanism of electromagnetic radiation informational effect of corresponding parameters and for developing of application methodic in diagnostics, correct orientation in terms and definitions is necessary. First of all regarding external physical factors, in particular, electromagnetic radiation, one shall distinguish energy-informational and pure informational effects, which are equated frequently. According to definition of A.S. Presman, energy absorbed by bio-system in energy-informational interaction is a carrier of information, acting as a signal and causing reaction of a bio-system by means of its own energy resources, pure informational interaction of bio-systems with environment are isolated from its energy exchange.
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