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Meta hunter pays attention to the health of you and your family

Health management is a comprehensive management of health factors, a combination of preventive medicine and clinical medicine, and a strategic behavior involving all peoples.
The purpose of health management is to achieve three levels of prevention for society through health management: that is, through health education and health promotion to improve the health of the population and reduce the incidence of diseases; through early diagnosis and treatment to promote the recovery of patients and reduce deaths. Rate; through standardized treatment and rehabilitation measures to prevent the occurrence of various complications and reduce the disability rate of patients. To enable patients with chronic diseases to achieve the goal of one learning, two changes, three reductions, and four reductions, that is, to learn a set of self-management and daily health care methods; change unreasonable eating habits, change bad lifestyles; reduce medication consumption and reduce medical expenses Expenditure, reduce the frequency of hospitalization; drop in blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids, weight loss. The sub-healthy population can achieve the following effects: avoid the escalation of risk factors and develop diseases, improve health conditions, improve work efficiency and quality of life, pay for health in advance, and receive a multiplier effect.
Meta hunter health analyzer is a device based on preventive medicine. It is used to detect pathogen trends early and then cure them before the disease occurs.
Here, the first thing we need to pay attention to is family health management.
What is family health management?
Simply put, family health management refers to the establishment of exclusive health records based on the results of family members’ health examinations, assessment of health conditions, and targeted personalized health management plans (prescriptions). Based on this, professionals provide one One-to-one counseling, guidance and follow-up counseling services enable each family member to receive comprehensive health maintenance and protection services from multiple perspectives such as social, psychological, environmental, nutrition, and sports.
Family health management mainly includes three parts. One is to establish health records for each member of the family, the second is to conduct health assessments based on the results of physical examinations, and the third is to conduct health interventions based on the assessment results. These 3 steps are progressive and cyclic at the same time. For example, after the intervention, the health records are updated, and then evaluated, and the intervention is carried out based on the new results.
Equipped with Meta hunter bioresonance analyzer at home can collect the health status of yourself and your family, and implement self-supervision and management.
Family health management includes the management of physical and mental health. Health management includes diet and nutrition habits, daily living habits, spare-time living arrangements, daily disease prevention, mental health care, etc. The physical and mental health of entrepreneurs is the foundation of enterprise development. In recent years, the prevalence of several common chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and chronic gastritis has shown an upward trend among entrepreneurs. In addition, because of the high career pressure, sudden deaths of family entrepreneurs due to myocardial infarction and brain disease have frequently occurred. Once a family entrepreneur has a major health problem, the business situation will change drastically, and the operation and inheritance of the business will be severely affected.
The NLS diagnostic system reads, processes and analyzes the information identified from the electromagnetic wave output signal emitted by the human body, so as to determine the characteristics, origin and extent of potentially harmful processes. Meta hunter decodes this information during the diagnosis process, and can also roughly predict future health conditions.
It is very necessary to pay attention to the health of yourself and your family members in this fast-paced world of work environment.

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We are main produce the Biophilia Tracker,Biophilia Intruder,Biophilia Guardian with NLS Dog,Cats,Horse,and Meta Hunter,Metatron Hunter 4025,Bioplasm,8D,9D,17D,18D NLS Bioresonance machines.

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