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Introduction to the Dual Screen Detox foot spa

Think back to the way your body felt when last you walked along the beach and felt the energy of the waves breaking near you. You were able to breathe deeper, your brain cleared, your body felt in tune with the earth, at peace and rejuvenated. The ionization of trillions of water molecules crashing to the earth caused these positive reactions.
The Dual Screen Detox foot spa is a high-tech water detoxification system that facilitates the body's ability to heal itself. It is a pleasure to use because of its simplicity and relaxing affect.
 The Dual Screen Detox foot spa  is a water foot-bath that utilizes both brass and stainless steel electrodes, which clean, balance and enhances bio-energy, a vital force present in the body's fluids. This type of energy is an electro-magnetic force stored within the body and utilized by our cells.
For centuries, Chinese medicine has referred to this energy as "chi", a complex energy field permeating and realigning the body' energy field while improving oxygen levels. While the Dual Screen Detox foot spa  is widely used to increase mental and physical energy, the Dual Screen Detox foot spa  revitalizes, increases stamina while voiding the body of chemicals, pollution, radiation, synthetics, toxins, and numerous amounts of foreign substance trapped in layers of the skin, which, in fact, either hinder or cause an inability to vacate the body. The machine's internal cleansing process includes parasite cleansing and liver detoxification that subsequently results in less fluid retention, reduction of inflammation, improved memory, improved bladder control, a more balanced PH, a stronger immune system and significant pain relief, inclusive of, but not limited to, arthritis, gout and headaches. Reflexology teaches us that each foot is actually an outlet through which the body attempts to cleanse or rid itself of heavy metal and toxic waste built up in numerous areas of the body. While using the Dual Screen Detox foot spa , you will actually see the cleansing process as the water interacts with a compound electric current along with a magnetic field structure. Subsequently, this cleansing process attains the correct frequency required to restore cells to a healthy state, while releasing years of bonded waste. It is important to realize that the Dual Screen Detox foot spa  enhances the effects of other therapies.
Ionization Theory
A. How does the Dual Screen Detox foot spa  Work?
  A water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When the molecule loses a hydrogen atom, the remaining OH molecule takes on a negative charge. As you walk along the beach, your body absorbs millions of these negatively charged ions, which alkalize the blood and tissue. Because of poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products, such as diabetic, lactic, pyruvec, uric, carbonic, acetic, butyric, and hepatic acids.
  According to a famous expect "acid wastes attack joints, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands causing minor to major dysfunction". In addition the expect maintains that, "avoiding disease and maintaining vitality, as we age, requires the maintenance of an alkaline environment throughout the body - which is virtually impossible to accomplish in our high - tech, high - stress, toxic society, unless we can walk on the beach everyday".
  The Dual Screen Detox foot spa  generates, to precision, the effect lf the walk along the beach, only more effectively, as the feet are placed in direct contact with ions manufactured in the foot bath. Simply put your feet in the water, turn on the machine and within seconds millions of ions enter your body, immediately beginning the neutralization of tissue acid wastes.
  During, and after, a thirty minute session you will become aware of the constituent parts of fat, along with mucous residue that the body has eliminated. You will, after the first session, feel lighter in your body, have more energy and maintain a greater sense of well - being.
B. Why do we need to detoxify?
  An expect states that, in today's toxic environment, tissue acid wastes, chemical and heavy metal residues build up in the body faster than ever before, resulting in a greater incidence of allergies, mental, and physical incapacitation. We have begun to hear more about herbal and homeopathic detoxification programs by alternative health practitioners as a way of reducing symptomology and maintaining health.
  This expect maintains that, "all healing traditions - Egyptian, Native American, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Chinese, Shamanic - except Western Medicine offer body purification as a means of healing and avoiding disease. Pimples, rashes, dark circles under the eyes, swollen joints, yellow, green and blotched complexions often indicate a buildup of tissue acid wastes inside the body". Modifying your diet along with the Dual Screen Detox foot spa  sessions will substantially reduce and even eliminate these conditions.
  More than ever, we are exposed to major amounts of toxicity, which is why detoxification is essential in avoiding disease and maintaining optimum health. The Dual Screen Detox foot spa , along with a healthy diet and low stress will provide a thorough and proficient way to maintain long - term elevate levels of energy and wellness. The Dual Screen Detox foot spa  aids in purifying the body more effectively due to its ability to reduce stress, subsequently causing relaxation.

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