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Instructions For Using Bach Flower Remedies By Meta Hunter

How to use bach flower remedies by Meta Hunter

Methods of spiritual and mental healing. 

Obsessional thoughts are getting weaker and disappear completely when one takes flower essences of arrowwood; either way emotional-vabrational Bach therapy with wave spectrum of this plant may be used. 

Sorrow disappears when patient takes white lily essence. 

People suffering from lack of self-confidence may be treated by parsley-piert essence. 

Resentment and anger disappear when one takes osier essence. 

Distrustfulness and inferiority feeling may be dealt with by taking larch essence. 

Using emotional-vabrational Bach therapy therapists may influence processes of internal growth and spiritual awakening. 

Essences are vibrational imprint of flowers. 

There are various crystalline structures in physical and fine bodies, which resemble quartz in their effect, which in its turn amplify influence of vibrational medications. In physical body those are adipose tissue, lymphatic nodes, erythrocytes, leukocytes and pineal gland. 

All crystalline structures operate in sympathetic resonance. These structures allow fine energies to penetrate into physical body and thus balanced distribution of various energy currents, according to their frequency characteristics, is achieved. 

Essences of flowers relate to vibrational medications allowing to correct emotional disorders which are precursors of physical ailments.
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