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Early symptoms and manifestations of pneumonia and Meta hunter

Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease caused by infection or non-infectious factors in the alveoli or lung parenchyma. This disease is extremely harmful to the patient's body. So what are the early symptoms and manifestations of pneumonia?
While making initial judgments based on symptoms, it is very good to use Meta hunter equipment to assist judgments. Meta hunter can not only pay attention to our daily health status, but also detect early lesions as soon as possible, so that we can find diseases in the body earlier, and deal with and treat them earlier.
1. Chest tightness and asthma
This is a relatively common symptom. When the respiratory function is affected, the symptoms of chest tightness and asthma will occur due to hypoxia, and there will also be increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.
2. High fever does not go away
Pneumonia can easily cause symptoms of high fever, and it is troublesome to treat, and it is easy to recur. Therefore, if the high fever does not go away, you must actively go to the hospital for examination and treatment, and do not delay the treatment time.
3. Difficulty breathing
Normal people breathe very smoothly. After suffering from pneumonia, the respiratory function will be affected due to lung problems, so breathing will not be smooth, and the decrease in oxygen content will have serious consequences.
4. Gastrointestinal symptoms
A small number of patients with pneumonia may have some gastrointestinal symptoms, generally manifested as diarrhea, flatulence, nausea and vomiting, etc. These symptoms are not easy to attract the attention of patients, and ordinary patients will not associate themselves with pneumonia. , Easy to delay treatment.
5. Drowsiness
Because the occurrence of pneumonia can make it difficult for the patient to breathe, it is easy to make the brain oxygen insufficient and the blood supply is affected. As a result, the patient will have symptoms of drowsiness. In addition to drowsiness, some severely ill patients may also experience confusion. Even in a coma, you need to be vigilant.
6. Cough, expectoration
When pneumonia first started, patients usually had irritating dry cough and no sputum, but after a while, white mucus sputum would appear when coughing, and some patients would have bloodshot eyes in their sputum. Wait for another two days. The patient's sputum will turn into bloody mucus sputum, and the color of some patients' sputum will look like rust.
7. Chest pain
Patients with pneumonia often have symptoms of side chest pain, and this pain is still more serious, just like the pain when a needle is pierced in the chest, chest pain symptoms will be more serious when coughing, and the shoulders and even the abdomen may be possible Will be implicated and cause pain.
Pneumonia with different pathogens has different symptoms: before the onset of bacterial pneumonia, there are often symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, sudden onset, usually high fever, and body temperature can rise to 39 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius within a few hours. Tingling in the chest, intensified with breathing and coughing. When coughing, cough rust-colored or a small amount of purulent sputum. Often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, general discomfort and muscle aches. The symptoms and signs may vary depending on the infection bacteria.
While cooperating with conventional treatments, using Meta hunter equipment can repair the physical damage caused by the drugs, and can improve the effect of the treatment, so that our body can be rejuvenated faster.
Viral pneumonia has a slow onset, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, fever, cough, dry cough or a small amount of sticky sputum. Influenza virus pneumonia starts as a typical flu symptom within 12 to 36 hours, rapid breathing, progressive dyspnea, cyanosis, respiratory failure and shock can occur, and wet rales or wheezing can be heard in both lungs.

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