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Database Of Etalons In Bioplasm NLS Is Extended Significantly.

1. Biochemical indices: new enzymes, hormones, oncological markers (cancer of pancreas, stomach, lungs, prostate, mammary gland and ovaries, etc.) are introduced.
2. Immunoglobulin of order, which allows to reveal immunodeficiency states.
3. New section – Microelements (introduced all chemical elements contained in human organisms, dependence of chemical elements wave spectrum character on their location in periodic table is revealed) which give us a possibility to evaluate quantitatively indices of human organism homeostasis and diagnose its disorders in early stages. Using the NLS analysis function it became possible to reveal and control content of various microelements in an organism.
Using bioplasm nls health analyzer may find out that microscopic amounts of some chemical elements, such as gold, for example, is also important for preserving good health conditions.
4. Homeopathic preparations: introduced new modern medications, revealed strict dependence of wave spectrum analysis among humoral-constitutional peculiarities of an organism, blood group, Rhesus factor, some biochemical indices and spectrum of a homeopathic preparation.
5. Nutriceuticals: database of food supplements is extended, in particular with NSP company products.
6. Allopathy: database of modern allopathic preparations is significantly extended, new antibiotics, immunomodulators, probiotics and other medications are introduced.
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