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Clinical studies have proven that millimeter wave therapy devices can effectively improve the body's own immunity.

(1) Treatment principle:
This product is based on the theory of electromagnetic coherent oscillation and resonance, and uses unique multiple types (equal amplitude, pulse, concentrated energy) millimeter waves to act on the treatment site and corresponding acupuncture points, causing DNA, RNA, protein and other macromolecules and biological substances in the tissue to The membrane resonates, eliminating lesions on the membrane, accelerating the movement of ions in the body, optimizing the microstructure of the tissue, significantly increasing the activity of proteins, amino acids and enzymes, and improving cell metabolism and function. The acupuncture theory of traditional Chinese medicine is used collaboratively to introduce millimeter wave energy into the body through resonance. The generated energy is converted and then circulates through meridians, body fluids, nerves and other channels to promote blood circulation and lymphatic return, improve local microcirculation, and regulate the patient's nervous system and immune system. Function, activate the pain modulation mechanism in the body, improve the body's immunity, achieve the effect of relieving cancer pain, improving related accompanying symptoms, and improving the patient's quality of life.
(2) Clinical scope of application:
1. Increase white blood cells in cancer patients and combine chemotherapy/radiotherapy to treat malignant tumors;
2. Intervention effect of bone marrow suppression;
3. Relief effect of cancer pain;
4. Alleviate and eliminate the toxic and side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy (anorexia, poor sleep, hair loss, etc.);
5. Treatment of symptoms associated with other advanced cancers.
(3) Clinical advantages:
1. Effectively relieve cancer pain and reduce the side effects, drug resistance and dependence caused by analgesic drugs;
2. Effectively treat the symptoms associated with cancer such as intractable hiccups, weakness, poor appetite and sleep, and improve the quality of life of patients;
3. Reduce the toxic side effects caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, improve the body’s immunity, and protect the patient’s peripheral blood;
4. It has the effect of reducing inflammation, reducing swelling and promoting the healing of radiotherapy injuries.
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