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Check your body

Do not let your body feel the fear of illness, which will also affect your psychology.

Illness is not a punishment, it is just an adjustment, it points out our mistakes and prevents us from making more serious mistakes in the future, thus causing greater harm to ourselves. It helps us return to the path of truth and light that we have lost.

Man himself has universal healing mechanisms in his body. He has his own inner potential, which is enough to recover.

After the psychological and emotional state of man has reached a harmonious state, the physiological organism will eventually become better. But if one only works to heal the body, without helping to change the behavior of the person, get rid of his negative emotions and thoughts, the person's situation will only become worse.

But some emotions are virtues of a person - courage, calmness, interest, care, composure and love. They should be cultivated to maintain harmony between body and soul.

Dr. Bach quite correctly foresaw that emotional traits and temperamental traits may be the reason for the human susceptibility to one or another disease, especially factors such as fear and negative emotions. From the diagram of the psychological and emotional conditions, it can be seen that the separation of one or another frequency associated with a specific system of the organism indicates that there may be a disorder in this system.

Nature herself has placed the means of preventing and curing disease under the light of divine herbs, plants and trees. When treating with these medicines, the nature of the disease is not important. The consciousness is the most delicate and sensitive component of the organism; it detects the emergence and development of disease more accurately than the body itself, so we must study one's consciousness in order to correctly choose medicines.

The real cause of our diseases is hidden in our own personality.

This is especially true of fear - it suppresses consciousness, causes disharmony between our flesh and magnets, and opens the door to infection. Metatron Hunter 4025 keeps you away from fear.
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