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BIOPHILIA Tracker, Based On Quantum Entropy Logic Theory

The principles of operation of the «Biophilia Tracker» apparatus that is related to the class of «brain machines»  are based on the basic postulates of the Van Hoven theory of quantum entropy logic. In accordance with the quantum entropy logic theory the exchange of information between the systems is carried out distally, associatively and selectively, at the expense of quanta of electromagnetic radiation that possess energy adequate to the energy of the disintegration of bonds of the system elementary structure.
The principle of the entropy logic theory allows to ascertain that in physical systems, in the course of information exchange, unstable (metastable) conditions occur under which a probability of their disintegration increases significantly. The intensity of information exchange of two information-exchanging systems A and B increases as the order in either of these systems gets disturbed. The degree of orderliness of any system is equivalent to the quantity of information it contains; therefore, the order destruction in one of the systems (A) with a parallel transfer of the information to the second system (B) delineates the law of conservation of information postulated by the theory of quantum entropy logic. The theory of entropy logic established that these statements are true in terms of physics only if A- and B-systems are quantum systems, and the aggregate of A and B parts may be characterized by one quantum state. This stipulates the availability of initially existing information exchange that occurs prior to the destruction of one of the systems and this, within the framework of the entropy logic, combines both parts in a single quantum system since this complies with the effect of Einstein - Rosen - Podolski.
The theory of quantum entropy logic makes it possible to explain many of the details of fundamental psychophysical mechanisms that are involved in the long-distance transfer of information between two objects spaced from one another. The theory reveals mechanisms that form associativity, information selectivity and other characteristics of an exotic channel of data transfer like this. The apparatus operates on the basis of amplifying an initiating signal at the disintegration of metastable structures. Under the action of external magnetic field magnetic moments of molecular currents in the admixture centers of cortex nerve cells lose their initial orientation, and because of this, spin structures of delocalized electrons get disordered, thus resulting in the occurrence in them of unstable metastable conditions with their disintegration acting as an amplifier of the initiating signal.
From the viewpoint of physics the apparatus is essentially a system of electron oscillators (cadistors) resonating at the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation with their energy being adequate to the energy of the destruction of dominating bonds that support the structural organization of a biological object. Information of biological object specific condition is taken up by way of non-contact method with the aid of a «trigger sensor» developed with the use of new information and microcircuit technologies, this sensor detects slightly detectable signal fluctuations that are emitted from average-statistical noise characteristics of fields and converted into a digital sequence processed with the aid of a microprocessor for transferring via an interface cable to a computer.
If, guided by the rules of quantum chromokinetics, the entropy values of any system is represented as spectrum colors, the hues will be changing from pale yellow (entropy values are least) through orange to red and purple, nearly black (entropy values are maximum). More accurate theoretical calculations carried out with the use of a computer make it possible to single out a series of stationary conditions corresponding to a certain entropy potential that selectively interact with the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Comparative analysis of the hues of the color range and their arrangement on the object computer-based model, and also of the dynamics of their change as a function of time, makes it possible to make assessments on how the disintegration processes of material structures go on and to make forecasts about the stability of these structures with time.
Given below is the representation of those principles which, being realized, are the means of functioning of this system as a diagnostic system. For each variety of cells there is its own specific destructive energy, typical of certain intracellular molecular bonds. By changing accordingly the radiation characteristics of the electromagnetic generator -(cadistor) it is possible to cause the destruction of bonds of intracellular structures (and associated spin orientation of biomolecular compounds) in the cells of any tissues of an organism. It is very obvious that the more unstable and, therefore, already damaged state are the tissues under examination, the greater will be the response in compliance with the quantum entropy logic. In this case scanning frequencies will coordinate the response position, and this, combined with the response value, will outline the general geometry of disturbances built up in the organism. And, since the response is detected at the expense of psychophysical phenomena functioning, we have additionally introduced a series of physical impacts to activate the examinees’ brain function and resonance-tune it (visualization of organs being positioned on the computer display, use of associativity principles). An energy dispatch that breaks the typical molecular bonds that is used in the positioning process, is always coupled with the resonance of corresponding electronic transitions in the cadistor structure. And on the basis of this resonance and the released energy (at the destruction of the spin organization), due to the origination of metastable nonlinear processes in the cadistor structure, quantum excitation occurs that generates the amplification of a response signal emitted by the organism.
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