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Biophilia intruder-Health Information and Epidemiology

Health Information and Epidemiology

The Health Information and epidemiology unit supports the MoH in its functions of planning, monitoring, evaluation and research to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of health services delivery.
Collection of data from across the health system provides hospital medical records departments with policy guidance on medical records and information system management.

The Epidemiologist is responsible to the Director Health Information, Research and Analysis, for the provision of policy advice on public health issues through the analysis and interpretation of health information data. The incumbent is also responsible for the effective management of the Ministry’s Health information system and the provision of regular feedback to users. The incumbent plays a lead role in coordinating the development of Health information management strategies and plans, including monitoring and evaluation;

Regular Health Status Reports;
Health Information Committees at national and divisional levels
Effective medical records management strategies and support capacity building in Medical Records staff
Training plans for the existing application such as PATIS, PHIS, Cancer Register and other databases
Research and information support for policy development and evidence-based decision making.
Statistician and the National Health Information Project Officer provides analysis of demographic and health related statistical data, and data provided from the Health Information System to the Epidemiologist, and as required for the policy work of the various Divisions in Headquarters, including but not confined to Health Information, Planning and Infrastructure; Hospital Services and Public Health Division. Formulates strategies and provides advice on improvements to data collection systems and information management policies and practices.

Biophilia Intruder device can do meta therapy,it can improve human body health.
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