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Automatic iris analysis system

Through the iris health detector - The Newest Iriscope work with Skin and Hair LENS, scan 180 items of health data of your body within three minutes, and analyze your risk indicators such as cancer, disease, accumulated toxins, etc., in addition And compare your own health status to find out many of your health problems, such as the cause of obesity, acne, child development problems, allergens, etc., the data and results will be compiled into a complete report, allowing you to target Your physical condition for the best maintenance work!

This accuracy and reliability of the iris sign in the body as an indication of reflective tissue pathology has been confirmed in many thousands of instances by: laboratory tests, X-rays and other commonly accepted diagnostic methods. Recent studies from clinical trials in South Korea from the University of Aju have consistently shown effective alignment of diseases predicted using iridology between 71.4% and 100% accuracy

Clinical Outcomes: Disease: % Accuracy
Digestive system 90.2%
Endocrine system 86.4%
Muscle/contouring system 72.2%
Nervous system 79.9%
Genitourinary system 85.7%
Cardiovascular system 75%
Circulatory system 81.6%
Immune system 54.2%

iris diagnosis
Iris diagnosis is based on the appearance of the iris of the eye to diagnose diseases. This great science was discovered by a Budapest physician, Ignaz Petzzei, who published a book on this method in 1880.
According to Lindlar, Petzzei discovered the new science when he caught an owl at the age of 10 and accidentally broke its leg. Lindlal writes, "Looking directly into the owl's large bright eyes, he noticed that the moment the bone snapped, a black spot had appeared in the lower middle of the iris, which, he later found, coincided with the site of the broken leg. ’” Little Ignatz raised the owl as a pet bird. After the bird's leg healed, a white border appeared around the black spot, indicating scar tissue had formed on the bone.
According to iridologists, the iris is divided into about 40 zones that run clockwise in one eye and counterclockwise in the other. These areas are connected to various parts of the body through nerve tissue, and like the theory of massage therapy, they connect the body to various parts of the spine. The spots on the iris are called "lesions". They indicate a malfunction of their corresponding parts of the body. Haskell Kritzer in his Textbook of Iris Diagnosis (fifth edition, 1921) explains in detail how to spot false eyes to avoid lengthy diagnoses based on them.
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