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Assisted treatment of autism through rTMS therapeutic instrument device

Autism in children, also known as autism, is a serious developmental disorder. There is a significant difference in the incidence of this disease between men and women. The male-to-female prevalence ratio in my country is 6-9:1. The main symptoms are: 1. Social communication disorder generally manifests as lack of communication or communication skills with others, lack of secure attachment relationship with parents, etc. 2. Language communication disorder: language development is delayed, or language regression occurs after normal language development, or language lacks communicative nature. 3. Repeat stereotyped behavior.
Because autism is a psychological disorder, when treating patients with autism, the preferred treatment method is psychotherapy. Secondly, diet therapy, high-frequency music therapy, acupuncture, acupoint massage, and traditional Chinese medicine can also be used. Treatment can also be treated with antipsychotic Western medicines. Patients can also self-regulate and alleviate their condition by exercising their social skills and actively participating in physical exercises.
Nowadays, there are more and more people with autism. This kind of patients have problems communicating with others. They are often immersed in their own world, very withdrawn, do not communicate with others, and even if they speak, they are alone. Speaking to oneself, others cannot even understand what autistic patients are saying. In severe cases, they cannot even maintain a normal life. So, how to treat autism?
1. Psychotherapy
Autism is a psychological disease, so when treating autism, psychotherapy is the first choice. However, psychotherapy lasts for a long time and must be persisted to be effective.
2. Diet therapy
Autistic patients generally have slower brain reactions, and the gluten in dairy products and wheat products has a certain anesthetic effect on the brain. If patients often eat such foods, autism will become more and more serious, so If you want to alleviate the symptoms of autism, you need to control your intake of these foods.
3. High frequency music therapy
Because patients with autism are often particularly withdrawn, high-frequency music therapy can stimulate the patient's auditory system and the brain, which can play a certain role in improving the patient's withdrawn state.
4. Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment
Autistic patients can also use traditional Chinese medicine to relieve symptoms. The most commonly used method is acupuncture, followed by acupoint massage. They can also take symptomatic Chinese medicine, or use some medicinal diets to regulate their symptoms, which can achieve good results.
5. Western medicine treatment
In the treatment of autism in Western medicine, antipsychotic drugs are mainly used. Although the effect is good, the side effects are relatively large.
6. Self-adjustment
1. Exercise social skills
If you are an adult autistic patient and want to alleviate the symptoms of autism, you should work hard to exercise your social skills and communicate bravely with others, which can alleviate the symptoms of autism.
2. Actively participate in physical exercise
If you can persist in physical exercise, you can also alleviate the symptoms of autism, because long-term aerobic exercise can soothe the patient mentally and help alleviate the condition.
Not only can autism be treated through the above methods, but we can also use rTMS therapeutic instrument to provide auxiliary treatment for autism.
Designated treatment acupoints • Baihui point, • Temple point, • Yangbai point and Shenting point, • Bilateral postauricular mastoid point, Quhui point • Bilateral Fengchi and Fengfu points • The above are the acupoints where the 7 magnetic therapy heads are placed .
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